GrayKey iPhone unlocker poses serious security concerns
iPhone unlocker poses serious security concerns
Ever since the case of the GrayKey San Bernadino shooter pitted Apple against the FBI over the unlocking of an iPhone, opinions have been split on providing backdoor access to the iPhone for law enforcement. Some felt that Apple was aiding and abetting a felony by refusing to create a special version of iOS with a backdoor for accessing the phone’s data. Others believed that it’s impossible to give backdoor access to law enforcement without threatening the security of law-abiding citizens. In an interesting twist, the battle ended with the FBI dropping the case after finding a third party who could help. At the time, it was theorized that the third party was Cellebrite. Since then it has become known that Cellebrite— an Israeli company—does provide iPhone unlocking services to law enforcement agencies. Cellebrite, through means currently unknown, provides these services at $5,000 per device,
and for the most part, this involves sending the phones to a Cellebrite facility. (Recently, Cellebrite has begun providing in-house unlocking
but those services are protected heavily by non-disclosure agreements, so little is known about them.) It is theorized, and highly likely, that Cellebrite knows of one or more iOS vulnerabilities that allow them to access the devices. In late 2017, word of a new iPhone unlocker device started to circulate: a device called GrayKey, made by a company named Grayshift. Based in Atlanta, Georgia, Grayshift was founded in 2016 and is a privately-held company with fewer than 50 employees. Little was known publicly about this device—or even whether it was a device or a service—until recently, as the GrayKey website is protected by a portal that screens for law enforcement affiliation. According to Forbes, the GrayKey iPhone unlocker device is marketed for in-house use at law enforcement offices or labs. This is drastically different from Cellebrite’s overall business model, in that it puts complete control of the process in the hands of law enforcement. Thanks to an anonymous source, we now know what this mysterious device looks like, and how it works. And while technology is a good thing for law enforcement, it presents some significant security risks.How it works
GrayKey is a gray box, four inches wide by four inches deep by two inches tall, with two lightning cables sticking out of the front.
Two iPhones can be connected at one time, and are connected for about two minutes.
After that, they are disconnected from the device but are not yet cracked.
Sometime later, the phones will display a black screen with the passcode, among other information.
The exact length of time varies, taking about two hours in the observations of our source.
It can take up to three days or longer for six-digit passcodes, according to Grayshift documents,
and the time needed for longer passphrases is not mentioned.
Even disabled phones can be unlocked, according to Grayshift.
GrayKey iPhone passcode unlocker[/caption]
After the device is unlocked, the full contents of the filesystem are downloaded to the GrayKey device.
From there, they can be accessed through a web-based interface on a connected computer
and downloaded for analysis.
The full, unencrypted contents of the keychain are also available for download.The GrayKey device itself comes in two “flavors.” The first, a $15,000 option,
requires Internet connectivity to work.
However, there is also a $30,000 option. At this price, the device requires
no Internet connection whatsoever and has no limit to the number of unlocks.
It will work for as long as it works; presumably, until Apple fixes whatever
The offline model does require token-based two-factor authentication as a
replacement for geofencing for ensuring security. However, as people often
write passwords on stickies and put them on their monitors, it’s probably too
much to hope that the token will be kept in a separate location when the
What happens if the GrayKey becomes commonplace in law enforcement?
along with its token, if stored nearby. Once off-site, it would continue to work.
Such a device could fetch a high price on the black market, giving thieves
the ability to unlock and resell stolen phones, as well as access to the high-value data on those phones.
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